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Best Hair Removal Cream for Men

The Best Hair Removal Cream for Men: Adios, Hairs!

If you’re new to hair removal creams—and over the life of this website, we’ve found that a surprising number of guys don’t really know about them—you might be surprised at how well they can work. When you apply it and remove it for the first time, it can be almost shocking how much hair they take off.

But—alas! Not all removers are made equal. Some are great, and some are awful. We’ve gone through the best and worst and gathered the best hair removal cream for men, sorted them into different categories.

So let’s jump into some quick summaries for those of you in a rush, and below all that, we’ll dive into our long-form reviews, to help you find what you’re looking for.

Best Hair Removal Cream for Men

Alright! First up:

Men’s Hair Removal Creams: Quick Summaries

Here are our favorites:

SoftSheen-Carson Magic Razorless Cream Shave: our top pick for facial hair removal, including thick facial hair

Nad’s for Men Hair Removal Cream: a good bet for folks with sensitive skin (which is a lot of us!)

Nair Hair Remover for Men: perhaps the best-known remover out there, it can be powerful enough to tackle body hair (including really course body hair)

SoftSheen-Carson Magic Razorless Shaving Cream for Men: a good option for the delicate skin on your head. If you like the bald look—and we LOVE the bald look—this is the one we’d suggest using

No Hair Crew Intimate Hair Removal Cream: our pick for a remover for your “intimate-region” hair. We talk more about this below, but if you’re going to use a hair remover for your intimate regions, make sure it’s designed for such use!

Stop-Hair Hair Reducing Spray: an all-natural pick for folks who want to steer clear of the nasty stuff in a lot of most removers, and finally

Blitzby Depilatory Cream: an option that doesn’t smell as strongly as a lot of the products out there (and which has some really nice skincare ingredients).

OK! There you go. Let’s jump into our in-depth reviews:

Best Hair Removal Cream

The Best Removal Cream for Men, in Categories

Here you go! Before we jump in here, we’re going to say—and probably say again, a few times—for all these products, you want to use them as directed. Read the labels. Follow the instructions clearly.

In other words: if it’s not meant to go on your intimate regions, don’t put it on your intimate regions.

These products are often made from harsh chemicals, so… why roll the dice? They’re usually safe if they’re used in the way they’re supposed to be used, so… use them in the way they’re supposed to be used.

OK! First up:

Best for Facial Hair Removal: SoftSheen-Carson Magic Razorless Cream Shave

As we are basically a site dedicated to shaving, this is probably a good place to start: our pick for best hair removal cream for men in the “facial hair” department is SoftSheen-Carson Magic Razorless Cream Shave. It’s designed for all varieties of facial hair—which is wonderful, because a lot of facial hair removers can’t hack it when it comes to course beards—and it’s got a few ingredients that are helpful to skin, like shea butter and sweet almond oil. Those are both moisturizers, which is great, because a hair remover can sometimes dry you out pretty severely.

Facial hair removers like this are great, because they can remedy a lot of the things guys hate about shaving. Shaving taking too long? SoftSheen-Carson Magic’s motto is “works in four minutes, lasts up to four days”—and even if it works half that well, that’s still pretty great. Hate buying all the razors and creams etc. that you need to shave? It’s all here in a six-ounce bottle. And razor bumps? You can get razor bumps if you’re not using a razor, my friend .

So there’s a lot to like here, and this is our recommendation if you’re looking to replace your daily shave. SoftSheen-Carson Magic actually has a few different hair removal products we like (the other one is for hair-on-head removal, which is a different ballgame than hair-on-face removal).

We’ll say one other thing before we move on: while your mileage may, of course, vary—some people have great luck with this product, and others don’t—and if you’ve grown to hate shaving, we might also suggest wet shaving. Wet shaving is an old-school style of shaving, where you use artisanal shaving creams, shaving brushes, and safety razors and/or straight razors. It looks a little intimidating at first, but there are a LOT of guys out there who hated shaving, started wet shaving, and now look forward to their morning shave every day. Who knows? Maybe you’ll like it.

A Good Pick for Sensitive Skin: Nad’s for Men Hair Removal Cream

Yes, the name of this product is “Nad’s.” It was created in 1991 by a woman named Sue Ismiel, who wanted to create a hair remover for her daughters, and 30 years later, it’s a well-respected brand that’s sold all over the globe. Sue Ismiel even keeps a blog on the Nad’s website where she shares her thoughts, but she doesn’t update it very much, and as far as we can tell, she’s never written a post about why she named it NAD’S. Who’s NAD? What’s that about? We want to know.

Anyway. Nad’s for Men Hair Removal Cream is usually our recommendation if you’re looking for a hair remover that’s 1) usable on the entire body, and 2) can be safe for sensitive skin. It’s one of the most popular hair removers for men out there—and while we don’t usually use that as a measurement of whether a product is good or not (after all, there are plenty of products out there people like, that are, in our humble opinion, garbage), in the world of hair removers, we think it’s actually a pretty important factor. When a hair remover doesn’t work, people are VERY motivated to share their disappointment, but most of the feedback we’ve gotten about Nad’s is positive. So while we don’t usually rely on “what everyone is saying,” we think it’s actually an important factor in this case.

And—this is anecdotal, but it’s always worked well over here! It’s pretty gentle if you use it properly, and it’s got aloe, which is nice. Honestly, we don’t know why ALL hair removers don’t contain aloe—that’s seems like a no-brainer.

Best Suited for Body Hair: Nair Hair Remover for Men

We’re willing to bet that most people don’t really know much about hair removal products, but if you really pressed them, they’d be able to come with one—and it would be Nair.

There’s a reason for that. Nair—which is a smashing-together of the words “No” and “Hair,” hence, “Nair”—has been around for decades. Many of the companies that make hair removal creams are somewhat new, but Nair has been around since 1940, and they were one of the first companies to develop a chemical depilatory preparation that could break the disulfide bonds of keratin in a strand of hair.

They’ve had time to figure things out, in other words, and they’ve had time to build their brand. Nair is widely considered top-dog in the hair-removal industry, and they developed their formula for females way before they created one for men. This is an easy-to-use formula and we like that they’ve designed it specifically for shower use—it seems like that’s when most men use a hair remover, and it’s nice that Nair provides instructions specifically for shower usage (“Apply cream outside of shower + wait at least a minute + shower, washing off after two minutes + remove/rinse: do not exceed ten minutes”). It’s important to note that this is designed for body hair but *not* hair in any intimate areas, so use it accordingly!).

If we had to choose two products from our list to be your “best bet” when it comes to hair removal, we’d say it’s this one—Nair Hair Remover for Men—and Nad’s. Hair removal creams are kind of a toss-up, and it’s kind of difficult to predict what’s going to work for individual people. Of all the ones we’ve reviewed, we think these two are probably the most likely to 1) work well, 2) not cause irritation (although again—they may!). This is, in our estimation, a good bet.

Best for Heads / Noggins: SoftSheen-Carson Magic Razorless Shaving Cream for Men

This is a little embarrassing for us to admit, because we’re the authors of an entire website devoted to shaving, but shaving your head is… well, it’s difficult! It’s not like shaving your face, which is 1) right in front of you, so you can see it all, and 2) made, somehow, of tougher skin than the skin on your scalp. Nicking your facial skin is irritating; nicking the skin on your head can be downright painful. And surprisingly bloody.

So that’s why we really like SoftSheen-Carson Magic Razorless Shaving Cream for Men. It designed specifically for noggin skin, and it can allow you to remove hair quickly and easily from all those hard-to-reach, out of the way areas. Just like the other SoftSheen-Carson Magic product we like (which would be their facial hair remover), it’s got shea butter and sweet almond oil to provide your skin with a little protection. Hair removers tend to have a lot of rough-and-tough ingredients in them, so it’s nice that they included a few ingredients that can “bolster the old epidermis,” if you will.

There’s one other thing we like about SoftSheen-Carson Magic Razorless Shaving Cream for Men: it’s designed for all hair types, and all skin types. Very often, hair removal tools (and specifically razors) don’t work well for people of all hair and skin types, so it’s nice that this product is created for people of all varieties.

Gentlest/Best-Suited for Your Intimate Regions: No Hair Crew Intimate Hair Removal Cream

OK, so… real talk. Pull up a chair.

After running a website for a few years, we realize that each man wants to choose his own path. He wants to experiment, and roll the dice, and see what works.

We get that. We really do. But we’re going to straight out and tell you: when you’re going to remove hair from your nether regions, you really don’t want to experiment, and roll the dice, and see what works. If you’re going to remove hair from your nether regions, you’re going to want to use a product designed to remove hair from your nether regions. You can experiment with thousands—tens of thousands!—of things about your life. But don’t experiment with removing hair from your nether regions. Stick to products designed to remove hair from your nether regions.

With that in mind, we’d like to introduce a product call No Hair Crew Intimate Hair Removal Cream. It’s created for all skin types, it’s dermatologically tested, and it’s vegan and cruelty-free. And it’s designed specifically to remove hair from your nether regions.

That will be all.

An All-Natural Formulation: Stop-Hair Hair Reducing Spray

We’re happy to include Stop-Hair Hair Reducing Spray among our reviews, because it’s an all-natural option, and a lot of people want something that isn’t full of weird chemicals. Hair removers are kind of notorious for being chock full o’ synthetic chemicals, and if you read the ingredient list of your average hair remover, it’s got a *lot* of gnarly-sounding inclusions. Until recently, there were no all-natural options—so we’re pleased that we can review this one at all.

Stop-Hair has all the bona fides we’d hope to see in an all-natural formulation—it’s got no harsh chemicals, no artificial ingredients, and no dyes, but it’s also vegan and cruelty-free. That sort of makeup can make a lot of people more comfortable using it for whole-body hair removal (and Stop-Hair Reducing Spray is designed for that usage). It’s also good for men and women—so it can be a great option for those of you who share a bathroom and have your partner rob all your good products!

The one thing to keep in mind with Stop-Hair Hair Reducing Spray is that it’s designed to be used *after* a hair-removal routine, like epilation, depilation, waxing, shaving, etc. The spray saturates the hair follicle after the hair has been cut, and then slows the development process of the hair. So if you’re looking for a “typical” hair remover, this isn’t it—but it can be a powerful (and all-natural!) tool after another hair-removal routine.

A Great Odorless Option: Blitzby Depilatory Cream

So, earlier we shared the tough truth that a lot of hair removal creams have some really crazy chemicals in them. Here’s the other thing that is “noteworthy in a negative way” about hair removers: a lot of them stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink.

So bad! Soooooooooooooo bad.

A lot of people deal with it, because they think it’s worth it—and we have to admit, you do get used to the smell over the time, and never think about it—but for a lot of people, it’s a barrier to entry. That smell can be rough.

And that’s why an option like Blitzby Depilatory Cream can be a good choice. It’s odorless, and it’s got a lot of great ingredients in it—aloe vera (soothing—great), sassafras (believed to soothe inflammation—a nice inclusion for a hair remover), sophora flavescens roots (which has a lot of antioxidants—great for skin, and wolfberry (also known as the goji berry—chock full of vitamins and minerals). Those are some wonderful ingredients, and it’s weird that other brands don’t include nutrients that are good for skin—especially brands that are all-natural.

Blitzby acts as a traditional hair remover—you apply it to the skin and then remove it later—and it can be a great unisex option for both men and women. If you want a hair removal product but don’t want to make yourself gag, this is the one we’d suggest—this is our pick for best hair removal cream for men in the “not-stinky” category.

And… there you have it! Those are our picks for the best hair removal creams for men. Good luck!

Before we wrap it up, we’ll go over a few questions that a lot of guys seem to have. We’ll start with the big one:

best hair removal cream for men

How Does Hair Removal Cream Work?

Many men prefer hair removal cream over shaving, but what exactly is going on when you use a hair removal cream? Here we’ll outline the chemicals at play, and how they work.

Hair removal cream contains ingredients that help eliminate hair from your body. Typically, these are alkaline chemicals that react with your body’s hair, referred to as chemical depilatories. The term “depilatory” refers to any method of removing hair, so when we say “depilatories,” that’s what we’re talking about.

The primary active ingredient in most hair removal creams is Potassium Thioglycolate. Potassium Thioglycolate is an organic salt found in cosmetics, and it has a hazard rating of 2-3 out of 10 according to the Environmental Working Group—but despite the low hazard rating, you’ll still want to be careful while handling it. Sometimes, you may see Calcium Thioglycolate and Calcium Hydroxide used as possible substitutes for Potassium Thioglycolate, but they all do the same thing.

So the depilatory is an organic compound. When paired with a thiol group and carboxylic acid, it can break down the structure of your hair on a chemical level—and this chemical reaction can cause a strange and sometimes unpleasant smell, so if you don’t like the odor of your hair removal cream, this is probably why.

It is possible to cover up the smell of your hair removal cream, though. Added ingredients can help mask the unpleasant, sulfuric scent. Keep in mind, however, that most of these fragrances also contain chemicals that may be harsh on the skin, and we recommend that you assess your allergies and skin sensitives before selecting a hair removal cream.

Once you apply the hair removal cream to your skin, it disrupts the disulfide bonds in keratin, which is a fibrous protein that is the primary foundation of your hair. Disulfide bonds exist within the keratin and help maintain your hair’s natural shape, but once the keratin bonds are broken down, the hair follicle turns to jell. You can then wipe it away from the surface of the skin—and there you have it! That’s the whole amazing process in just a few sentences.

It’s worth noting that when you apply a hair removal cream, it’s the active ingredient that’s doing the majority of the work to remove the hair—and 1) different hair removers may have different active ingredients, and 2) each active ingredient will require you to follow slightly different instructions to be effective. That’s why different brands of hair removal creams will have different instructions—sometimes you’ll need to apply the cream more thickly or leave it on for longer to remove the hair properly.

So, as we’ve mentioned before, you’ll want to follow the instructions on your hair removal cream to the letter. If you leave the cream on for too short of a time, it may not be effective. Alternatively, if you leave the cream on for too long, it could cause a burn or damage to the skin.

Also remember that some creams work best on specific parts of the body, and that’s because the structure of your skin is different on different parts of your body, and that’s why you only want to use hair remover on the places you’re supposed to use it—see our warnings above about your intimate regions!

A Couple Other Warnings…

Hair creams are a popular solution to unwanted body hair, but as with anything you put on your skin, you’ll want to be careful. Hair removal cream can have some negative side effects that you should be aware of before you use it, and here are some you should keep in mind:

Skin Irritation. This one can be quite common after using hair removal cream. The skin may tingle or even burn slightly after the application of a hair removal cream, and while this feeling usually goes away once the cream is rinsed off, sometimes it will remain for several hours after application. If it starts to really hurt or burn, you should contact a licensed medical professional.

Itchiness/Dryness. Hair removal cream can also cause itchy skin, dryness, and occasionally may even cause a rash, and some people have reported the feeling of a slight sunburn after using hair removal cream. You can avoid some of these problems by carefully reading the instructions on your cream and following them closely. If hair removal cream advertises for a specific part of the body, exclusively use it in that area.

Skin, Uh, “Stankiness.” Another common complaint about hair removal cream is the smell. Most companies have added scents, or other perfume smells to their products to eliminate the unpleasant odor, but the truth is it remains underneath these added fragrances. The smell is sulfuric and is similar to the smell of rotting eggs.

The smell of hair removal cream is caused by the chemical reaction that occurs while it works, and it can remain on the skin long after the cream has been washed off. Of course, you can apply cologne, lotion, or soap to help cover up the smell, but it may still linger on your skin for a few hours after you’ve used the remover.

Allergic Reactions. In some cases, hair removal cream can cause an allergic reaction. You will know you are having an allergic reaction if your skin swells, turns red, or if you experience extreme pain or burning at the site of application. It is recommended that you do a patch test before applying hair removal cream to a large area of skin.

One of the scariest reactions that can be caused by hair removal cream is a chemical burn. Your hair and your skin are made up of the same amino acids, and that means that the cream you use to break down hair can also break down skin. No bueno.

It takes skin much longer to break down, however—and that’s why you do not want to leave the hair removal cream on for too long. As long as you follow the instructions, you can likely avoid chemical burn.

Countless people use hair removal cream every day. When hair removal cream is applied properly, and you follow the instructions, it is usually a perfectly safe product. Many people can use hair removal cream safely without incident.

A Patch Test is Always a Good Idea

As we mentioned above, hair removal cream may cause an allergic reaction in some users. A patch test can be performed to assess whether or not you are allergic to a particular skin product, including hair removal creams. They can also help you determine if you have an allergy or the severity of the reaction you might have to that cream.

A reaction to a skin product is referred to as contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis can vary, from being a quite mild reaction to being fairly severe. We recommend that you always do a patch test of a new product before using it on your body.

Before performing a patch test with a hair removal cream, you may want to consult your doctor. Some medications can cause adverse reactions to a product, and the results of your patch test will not be accurate. For example, an antihistamine can suppress allergic reactions, and some doctors recommend you stay off of them for up to ten days before a patch test.

Other medications that can alter the results of your patch test include tricyclic antidepressants; medications for acid reflux, like ranitidine; and asthma medications like omalizumab (among others). Contact your doctor before doing a patch test. Of course, do not go on or off any medications without talking to a doctor first.

To perform a patch test, you apply the hair removal cream to a small area of your body. Choose an area that isn’t too sensitive and doesn’t experience too much exposure to the sun. Follow the hair removal cream’s instructions then rinse it away. Check your skin the next day for an allergic reaction. If you haven’t reacted, you are probably good to go.

Throughout your patch test, we recommend that you keep the skin dry and away from any elements that may exacerbate a reaction. You won’t want to get the area wet, so try to perform this test in an area where you won’t be sweaty and where humidity is at a minimum. You’ll also want to avoid activity or exercise during your patch test.

Before performing a patch test, you’ll want to be ready for the results. If you are allergic to the hair removal cream you are testing, then the patch of skin you test may experience mild to extreme irritation. Although this can be unpleasant, take comfort in knowing you avoided placing the cream on a larger area.

Of course, don’t avoid performing a patch test because you are afraid of the results. There may be a little itching, burning, or even some pain – but that’s why you do the test! If you have an especially unpleasant or severe reaction to your patch test, be sure to consult a physician.

Sometimes it can take several days to get the full results of your patch test. You may not react after 24 hours, but then a few days later you see a reaction pop up. If you’d like to be extra careful, give yourself up to four days after your patch test to assess your results.

Again, consult your doctor before making any medical decisions.

Different Techniques for Body Hair Removal

This post is all about hair removal cream, but we should mention: hair removal cream is not your only option for getting rid of unwanted body hair. There are tons of ways to remove hair from the body, and each comes with its pros and cons.

You can experiment with different methods to determine which ones make you feel the most comfortable and are the most effective for you. Below we’ve listed some other techniques for removing unwanted body hair.


Even though you’ve probably heard of waxing, you may never have tried it. Waxing is when you apply hot wax to your body, which melts on to the skin, and latches on to the surface area. You then remove the wax, typically by using a strip, and the hair comes off with the wax. Stronger waxes can even remove the hair all the way down to the follicle.

A major advantage of waxing is the long-lasting results. According to FashionBeans, stripping away the hair all the way to the root means your wax can last as long as six weeks. It also means that when the hair grows back, it will be fine, rather than course. This makes the regrowth process less itchy and irritable on your skin.

One of the biggest cons of waxing is that it can be painful. It may be quick, but it can be extreme and shocking, especially if you are a first-time user of wax. If you begin to wax regularly, you will likely be accustomed to the pain and may even learn to ignore it.

However, for some people, the pain associated with waxing is not worth the results. If you’d like to try and minimize the pain, you can trim back the hair a bit before applying the wax.

There are steps you can take to have the most effective wax possible. Several days before you wax, you can gently exfoliate the skin. This will help remove extra dead skin cells lingering on the surface of your body. When applying the wax, do so over clean, dry skin. You don’t want to apply wax over any other body products.

Even though it can be nerve-wracking, wax should be removed in one quick, swift movement. Peeling the wax away slowly will only prolong the pain. If you are new to waxing, you may want to try pre-made strips, which will eliminate some of the mess and make the process easier. If your skin feels red or sore after waxing, apply a cold compress to the area, which will provide some relief.


Shaving might be the most common method for removing unwanted hair. It’s quite simple, and almost anyone can do it – all you need is a razor and some shaving cream.

Part of the reason shaving is so common is that you do not need any special skills or products to get it done. You do need a steady hand, however, so that you can avoid injury.

In fact, one of the cons of shaving is that it is possible to nick or cut yourself. Another downside to shaving is that it removes the hair at the surface, rather than at the root, as with waxing. This means the hair will grow back relatively quickly.

You may have to shave fairly regularly to maintain the appearance of smooth, hairless skin.

The hair that grows back after shaving is often coarse. This means the regrowth process can sometimes be itchy or uncomfortable. The coarse hair can also mean ingrown hairs, which can be unsightly and may become infected if not dealt with promptly.

Never try to shave a hard-to-reach area of your body on your own. The potential accidents are not worth it! Remember, razors are sharp and can cause damage if not properly handled. You can always book an appointment at a salon and have a professional help you with hair that you cannot reach on your own.

It is easiest to shave while in the shower, as the hot steam from the water helps make the skin more supple. Use plenty of shaving gel or cream, as this provides a necessary barrier between the razor and the skin. We recommend shaving in the direction of the hair. This will help you remove the hairs and can mean avoiding unwanted ingrown hair.

If you would like to make your shaving process easier, you can trim back the hair before shaving. You can use a beard trimmer, beard clippers, or a body hair groomer to do so. Exfoliate your skin at least twice a week to keep it healthy.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is another option for removing unwanted body hair. It is one of the longest-lasting hair removal solutions, and although it is highly effective, it may not last forever. That said, laser hair removal will last much longer than if you were to wax, shave, or use a hair removal cream.

Laser hair removal works by zapping away the cells that make your hair. It can even be used to thin out your body hair if you do not want it completely removed. It is particularly great for body hair and can remove unwanted hair from your back, chest, or rear.

One con of hair removal is that it must be done in a salon and by a professional. You will have to set aside time to go into a facility to have it done. It can also be quite a time-consuming process. Sometimes it can take several different appointments to completely remove the unwanted cells.

Like with hair removal cream, you will want to try a patch test before doing laser hair removal all over your body. We recommend doing laser hair removal when your skin is at its palest, so do not book an appointment if you’ve recently had a tan.

Never skip your appointments! Going to the salon regularly and on time will help increase the effectiveness of your laser hair removal. Avoid hot showers or baths for 24 hours after your appointment.

Hasta La Vista, Hair!

Thanks for reading. Hair removal creams aren’t for everybody, but some men swear by them, and use them as often as their skin lets them.

If you decide to use hair removal creams, we wish you all the best! Good luck, have fun, and happy hair removal!

Michael Morris is the head writer here at Rough and Tumble Gentleman. He's got a ducktail beard and loves Brazilian jiu-jitsu. He's married to the woman of his dreams and lives in Brooklyn, NY.

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