
Thanks for visiting Rough and Tumble Gentleman! If you’re on this page, you probably want to get in touch with us. Drop us a line at the email address below, and we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can. We get a lot of messages, but we try to write out a reply to everyone who reaches out.

It seems like a lot of the mail we’ve gotten has addressed specific topics, so here are a couple of our policies:

Guest Posts and Guest Posting

We do not, at present, accept guest posts. Sorry! All of the guest post requests we’ve received lately have been super-spammy, so we’re going to pass for now.

Please note that there are no exceptions to this rule. We’re sure you’ve got some great ideas, but we’re going to go it on our own for now.

Products Suggestions for Guys with Skin Disorders

We’ve gotten a lot of emails from guys who have sensitive skin and/or other skin disorders, and want personalized advice about the shaving and skin care products they should use. Unfortunately, we can’t give out personalized product advice to individual people. If you’ve got skin issues, visit your primary care physician or a dermatologist, and see what they say. Again, we apologize. 

Suggestions for Content

So, no guest posts and no product suggestions. However, if you’ve got suggestions for the site, we’re all ears! We love to hear about how we can improve Rough and Tumble Gentleman. If there’s a topic you want us to write about, please let us know. Coming up with new content for the site is a lot of fun—it’s one of the reasons why we do this—but we do have some blind spots. If there’s an area you’d like us to explore, we’d love to hear about it.

Reach Out to Us At…

Matthew is the Editorial Director at Rough and Tumble Gentleman. You can reach him at:

matthew << the ‘at’ symbol >> roughandtumblegentleman << dot >> com

Michael is the Managing Editor at Rough and Tumble Gentleman. You can reach him at:

michael << the “at” symbol >> roughandtumblegentleman << dot >> com

We try (and usually succeed) at getting back to people within 24 hours.

Thanks for stopping by!

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